Summer Sunday Nights...

...bring the greatest thing in the entire world.
Me and my humans hop in the car...
...and hit the open road.
Ok, the road that leads out of our sub-division, the greatest place on earth.

Yep, the Dairy Queen!

(Sorry, it's hard to take a good photo when I'm about to indulge in the greatest thing in the
entire world!!) You see, this isn't just a Dairy Queen.
It's the greatest Dairy Queen in the whole, entire world!
Why, you ask, is this greatest Dairy Queen in the whole, entire world??
Well, it's because the humans here LOVE us puppies!!
Which means when we pull through the drive through, they give my humans their cones...

...and they give me a PUP CUP!!! Yep, a PUP CUP. A bowl of cool, creamy deliciousness just for the doggies!
I can barely contain my excitement when handed that cup of bliss...and dive right in!!!
Good thing my tongue is twice the length of most human allows me to sweep up every. last. drop. of that deliciousness!!

A pup cup is really,
truly, the greatest thing in the whole, entire world.

Cheers, my friends!
Oggy the Doggy