Not only do I have an entirely new person to keep track of (and I MUST know where she is at all times. I give her a sniff, then allow them to continue with her activities) but I need to guard her as well.

...and who is in the cul-de-sac. When neighbors, UPS men and other assorted characters have the nerve to ring the doorbell, (SERIOUSLY! The doorbell. Come on, humans, there is someone sleeping around here)
I have to let the humans know PRONTO.
Nights are no easier. Luckily, she and I go to bed pretty early, but she wakes up in the night. Sometimes just once (those are my favorite nights!) but other times it's several times.
Do you know how exhausting it is to get up, walk down the hall, guard her while she eats, then go back to bed? Yep. I'm beat.
But, having a new human does have it's rewards. I can't believe how fast she's growing and the smells she emits.