Thursday, January 8, 2009

Howsabouta "Sloggy" ?!?!?!?!

Hi Friends! I hope you're having a great week!

Computers limit my abilities, but if I could, right now I would give each and every one of you a great.......big........ SLOGGY!!!

Several sloggies, in fact. Depending how favorite you are. And if you talk to me in a happy voice. I really like happy voices.

What, you may ask, is a Sloggy?

Well, it has to do with my very long, very nimble tounge. I tend to be a drive-by licker, as I can sense you leaning down...and into reach from miles away. That's when I swoop in.

But, I don't simply kiss and be done. No, siree!!

I give you a Sloggy! A slimy, wet, sticky lick large, loving and lasting kiss-er-oo. One you won't forget anytime soon!

Favorite friend Steph coined the phrase, something about Slobbery and Oggy...I didn't catch the details.

Just know, your life will not be complete until you get one...or 483...of your own Oggy Doggy's Sloggies!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Merry Christmas!


Hi Friends!

My friends and family have all gone back to their houses after visiting me for the holidays and boy, oh boy was it fun!!

I had SO many people come to my house! They dropped a lot of food on the floor so I munched my way through several days.

My humans clearly continue to have no respect for my dignity…

…but I did not let that stop my Christmas fun! I got a stuffed reindeer from Santa (Nicholas had to help me open it!)

…and lots of hugs!
It was the best!

And…I met a new friend! His name is Tucker and he is little. Miniature. But, quite frankly, a little tougher than me! Haha. He grabbed my favorite racketball and ran around the Christmas tree.

I could have caught him, but thought I better share.

Then, he took each of my toys out of the basket to play tug! And play we did…I picked him right up off the ground, but he is scrappy and never let go. It was really, really fun to play with Tucker. Here we are together:

All in all, it was a super couple of weeks. However, I am pooped!

Merry Christmas!
Oggy the Doggy