Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The MONSTER in my house!

Well, on Monday the monster came back. The one that follows my mom around right before she disappears. She was walking to the kitchen and it was RIGHT ON HER TAIL! clunking along behind. As a very adept guard dog, I circled, growled, pounced and bit until I wounded it. Well, I think I wounded it but I can't be sure as she disappeared shortly after I attacked it.

I am so worried that she may be gone forever and that it really did get her this time.

Here are a few photos of my confrontation.


Staci said...
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Staci said...

We hope that that MONSTER brought back our Auntie Sarah!! We miss all of you.

IZ and Livi

Oggy Doggy's Bloggy said...

Yeah, She came back but it was STILL following her! but I attacked it again and now it is just laying on the floor of the guestroom. I will NOT go near it!! Yikes!

Happy Halloween, IZ and Livi! Can't wait to give you kisses again!!
