Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hi, Friends! Happy (almost) Halloween! Guess what?? We carved pumpkins this week! Well, the humans did. The whole "not having thumbs" thing precludes me from using knives.

Here are the results!
Notice anything special? Like the pumpkin on the left?? It's my favorite!!

Do you like it?

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I think I just swallowed a monkey.

That's not good.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm sorry. So Sorry.

Hi Friends.
If I have not been the best boxer blogger, I am very, very sorry.
I have not been very diligent about updating my blog and I will do better.
Please speak to me in a happy voice again. Please? Please?

The Greatest Thing In the Whole, Entire World.

Summer Sunday Nights... ...bring the greatest thing in the entire world.
Me and my humans hop in the car...

...and hit the open road.

Ok, the road that leads out of our sub-division, the greatest place on earth.

Yep, the Dairy Queen!

(Sorry, it's hard to take a good photo when I'm about to indulge in the greatest thing in the entire world!!)
You see, this isn't just a Dairy Queen.

It's the greatest Dairy Queen in the whole, entire world!
Why, you ask, is this greatest Dairy Queen in the whole, entire world??

Well, it's because the humans here LOVE us puppies!!

Which means when we pull through the drive through, they give my humans their cones...
...and they give me a PUP CUP!!! Yep, a PUP CUP. A bowl of cool, creamy deliciousness just for the doggies!
I can barely contain my excitement when handed that cup of bliss...and dive right in!!!
Good thing my tongue is twice the length of most human allows me to sweep up every. last. drop. of that deliciousness!!

A pup cup is really, truly, the greatest thing in the whole, entire world.

Cheers, my friends!
Oggy the Doggy

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

And suddenly, my whole world changed....

Oh, my. Where to begin.

I'll back it up.

Saturday. The humans are off doing what they do. I'm outside running around, chasing rabbit smells and all is right with the world.

They come home. I know they're there, but they don't come get me. A little odd, but whatev, I have a yard to run laps around.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, he slooooowly opens the door and starts talking to me. But it's not a happy voice. It's that slow, deliberate "you-had-better-do-exactly-as-I-say-and-be-very-careful" voice that he uses when the very small, squeaky humans come to visit and crawl around on my floor.

Anyway, he holds on tightly to my collar and walks me across the room. Now, I'm smelling something funny, but I am not prepared for this:

Sitting, there, in my cage is this little, black something or other. I was SO confused. It definitely wasn't a little dog...and it wasn't one of the rabbits I chase around the backyard...what WAS it?? and why did it keep reaching through the cage and swatting my nose??

I COULDN'T BELIEVE THE HUMANS WERE SO CALM ABOUT IT. I stared and I stared and I stared as if to say, "I don't know what you are or where you came from, but I will not let you out of my sight not for one single second and just what are your intentions coming in here?? Too bad I can't get in there or I would box you to a PULP!"

I tried to warn them, but they didn't care!! This THING was in my house and they were completely OBLIVIOUS! The absurdity of it is beyond comprehension.

But wait, friends, it gets better.

They were not only OK with it being there, but they TOUCHED IT! Look at this one! She is holding and speaking to it in a happy voice. Yep, a happy voice. Directed at it, not me.

So, for the rest of the day I stared and I sniffed and I kept a close and wary eye on this creature.

This thing was NOT about to take my humans down.

Not on my watch.

But we all know they aren't the brightest and there is no telling what they'll get themselves into.

(um, yes, if you're wondering this thing had the AUDACITY to curl up in my bed. It has no idea how tough I can be and I would have showed it, except everytime I tried to put it in its' place, the humans jumped all over me, making me sit and telling me to be "gentle." And then it would come tearing at me from across the room, jump on my face and bite my eye! what???)

Well, over the next few days, I kept a careful eye on this thing.

It tore around my house and they keep talking to it in a happy voice. But they keep talking to me in a happy voice too. They took me for a run. Then they took me to Dairy Queen and I got a pup cup. I wasn't sure what they were trying to do.

Oh, and "it" is apparently known as "Molly." And she runs around and around and around the house. And I chase her. Then, when she gets tired, she curls up with me and makes a funny buzzing sound.

It's all very bizarre. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Caesar! Caesar was HERE!!!!

Hi Friends!!
Guess what? Last weekend my friend Caesar came and stayed at my house while his humans went on vacation!! We had SO much fun and played outside almost the ENTIRE time, because it's SUMMER! Which made us kinda tired...
Here is a picture of Caes with the pretty sunset...

...and me tryin' to catch my breath!

Have a great weekend!!

Oggy the Doggy

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Big #3!! (Or 21 in my world!)'s my's my birthday...

Hi Friends!
Well, #3 (or 21, depending on who's system you use!) was fantastic!

It started off with a bit of trouble on my part. You see, last night my humans had BLT's for dinner and, get this, didn't share any of the bacon with me!! Can you believe it? So...when one of them got up to go to the gym this morning, I casually sauntered into the kitchen, waited for him to leave, then helped myself to the last few remaining pieces of bacon. This was a little difficult because they were wrapped in papertowels and in the trash, but that didn't stop me and it was D-Licious!

Then, I went back to bed until the other human got up. As we headed downstairs I suddenly realized she would NOT be so happy that I ate that bacon, so instead of going downstairs with her, I decided just to hide on the stairs for a while. That didn't work so well. I could hear her mumbling about bacon grease on the floor and then, in a very NOT happy voice, she called me "bad dog" and made me come into the kitchen. I refused to make eye contact. I do not like being called that name, especially on my birthday. So I creeped into the kitchen and hid behind a chair while she continued to tell me how very naughty I was and how since I'm 3 now I should know better.

A few minutes later, she had it cleaned up and came over and gave me birthday snuggles and all was good. I spent my morning dozing in a sodium-induced haze, then played outside all afternoon. Went for a long run with the human, then, as a birthday treat, I got CANNED dogfood! My favorite! It was delicious.

I also got a special bone. Mmm-mmm.

I'm hoping it's still my birthday tomorrow!
Oggy the Doggy

Friday, April 24, 2009


I had my photo shoot yesterday and it was SO. MUCH. FUN!!!

That Mark is an ever-loving genius and you should have SEEN the endless supply of treats that human had.

As you can imagine...

It made me JUMP for joy :)

I'll post more when I get 'em.

Oggy the Doggy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Heeeeyyy there!

Is this the sweetest smile you've ever seen, or what?

Well...there are plenty more where that came from! And I will be turning on the CHARM at my modeling gig tomorrow. Oh, yes, you heard right! A photo shoot! I can't wait and I'm pretty sure that Mark the photographer will be my ~FAVORITE~! Rumor has it, there will be t-r-e-a-t-s!!

I'll let you know how it goes!


Oggy the Doggy

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Part Cat?

Could it be?

My humans are theorizing that somewhere in my bloodline, there was a feline.

I have no idea why they would say such a thing.


Today, I was a bad, bad dog.

But I honestly didn't mean to be...

You see, there was this toy just sitting in my room. My Human had been playing with it earlier, then she just left it out...presumably for me.

So, I grabbed it and ripped it up. I mean, wouldn't you??

I was just about done when I heard him coming. All of a sudden it hit me! S$*%! I am going to be in trouble...

And I was. I was scolded, told I was bad in a very, very not-happy voice. And you know how much I love happy voices.

Darn it. I'll try again next weekend to be good.


A Good Snow...My Favorite!!!

Hi Friends! Guess What??? I woke up Saturday to SNOW!! Everywhere! Tons of it!

Snow is my favorite because my people make snowballs and I chase them. For hours. Seriously, this is my favorite game!

I get to LEAP high in the air...

Then DIVE to catch 'em...

Showcasing my brillant jumps...

Not to mention my innate ability to distinguish between my snowballs...and the other snow.
I'm going in after one here...

And, everynow and then, I catch one perfectly in midair...

Ahhhh....I wish the snow would last forever. But, I have a feeling it will be gone by tomorrow! Oh, well. Then I'm that much close to the LAKE!! whoo hoo!
Hope you enjoyed the winter wonderland as much as I did! Roof!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Deep Thoughts by Oggy the Doggy

On being human vs. being a dog

It is somewhat unfortunate that you have the luxury of eating a variety of foods on a daily basis, while I eat Science Diet Adult Bites each meal, everyday.

However, while you're at work, toiling away at an uncomfortable desk...

I'm snoozing lazily in the warm sun. Every single day. ahhh. Guess being a dog isn't so bad after all.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Howsabouta "Sloggy" ?!?!?!?!

Hi Friends! I hope you're having a great week!

Computers limit my abilities, but if I could, right now I would give each and every one of you a great.......big........ SLOGGY!!!

Several sloggies, in fact. Depending how favorite you are. And if you talk to me in a happy voice. I really like happy voices.

What, you may ask, is a Sloggy?

Well, it has to do with my very long, very nimble tounge. I tend to be a drive-by licker, as I can sense you leaning down...and into reach from miles away. That's when I swoop in.

But, I don't simply kiss and be done. No, siree!!

I give you a Sloggy! A slimy, wet, sticky lick large, loving and lasting kiss-er-oo. One you won't forget anytime soon!

Favorite friend Steph coined the phrase, something about Slobbery and Oggy...I didn't catch the details.

Just know, your life will not be complete until you get one...or 483...of your own Oggy Doggy's Sloggies!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Merry Christmas!


Hi Friends!

My friends and family have all gone back to their houses after visiting me for the holidays and boy, oh boy was it fun!!

I had SO many people come to my house! They dropped a lot of food on the floor so I munched my way through several days.

My humans clearly continue to have no respect for my dignity…

…but I did not let that stop my Christmas fun! I got a stuffed reindeer from Santa (Nicholas had to help me open it!)

…and lots of hugs!
It was the best!

And…I met a new friend! His name is Tucker and he is little. Miniature. But, quite frankly, a little tougher than me! Haha. He grabbed my favorite racketball and ran around the Christmas tree.

I could have caught him, but thought I better share.

Then, he took each of my toys out of the basket to play tug! And play we did…I picked him right up off the ground, but he is scrappy and never let go. It was really, really fun to play with Tucker. Here we are together:

All in all, it was a super couple of weeks. However, I am pooped!

Merry Christmas!
Oggy the Doggy