Here are the results!

Sitting, there, in my cage is this little, black something or other. I was SO confused. It definitely wasn't a little dog...and it wasn't one of the rabbits I chase around the backyard...what WAS it?? and why did it keep reaching through the cage and swatting my nose??
I COULDN'T BELIEVE THE HUMANS WERE SO CALM ABOUT IT. I stared and I stared and I stared as if to say, "I don't know what you are or where you came from, but I will not let you out of my sight not for one single second and just what are your intentions coming in here?? Too bad I can't get in there or I would box you to a PULP!"
I tried to warn them, but they didn't care!! This THING was in my house and they were completely OBLIVIOUS! The absurdity of it is beyond comprehension.
But wait, friends, it gets better.
They were not only OK with it being there, but they TOUCHED IT! Look at this one! She is holding and speaking to it in a happy voice. Yep, a happy voice. Directed at it, not me.
So, for the rest of the day I stared and I sniffed and I kept a close and wary eye on this creature.
This thing was NOT about to take my humans down.
Not on my watch.
But we all know they aren't the brightest and there is no telling what they'll get themselves into.
I'll let you know how it goes!
Oggy the Doggy
And I was. I was scolded, told I was bad in a very, very not-happy voice. And you know how much I love happy voices.
Darn it. I'll try again next weekend to be good.