Sunday, December 5, 2010

I. Am. Exhausted.

Oh, friends. My life has taken a turn for the complicated.

Don't get me wrong. It's great...I can never imagine life without her...

but my new role has me realizing a fatigue I didn't know existed!

Not only do I have an entirely new person to keep track of (and I MUST know where she is at all times. I give her a sniff, then allow them to continue with her activities) but I need to guard her as well.

Suddenly, my guarding responsibilities have increased tenfold. Who knew such a small human could be so much work???

I spend most of my days making sure I know where she is...

...and who is in the cul-de-sac. When neighbors, UPS men and other assorted characters have the nerve to ring the doorbell, (SERIOUSLY! The doorbell. Come on, humans, there is someone sleeping around here)

I have to let the humans know PRONTO.

Nights are no easier. Luckily, she and I go to bed pretty early, but she wakes up in the night. Sometimes just once (those are my favorite nights!) but other times it's several times.

Do you know how exhausting it is to get up, walk down the hall, guard her while she eats, then go back to bed? Yep. I'm beat.

But, having a new human does have it's rewards. I can't believe how fast she's growing and the smells she emits.
It's wonderful.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Life... I know it is over.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Next Big Adventure!!

Hi FRIENDS! Guess WHAT? I am going to be a big BROTHER!
WHoo hoo!
The humans keep teasing me by telling me that soon, I'll be irrelevant.

They think they're sooo funny.

But what they don't know is that in a few short months, THEY are the ones that will be irrelevant.

I am so excited to have a baby come live with me. I will be VERY gentle. As evidenced in the photo above. That toy? Hers. And I didn't even try to gut it.

When she comes, I will sniff her, then guard her and not let her out of my sight. Cause that's what I do with other babies and they're not even mine! Yep, that's what I'll do. Then, when she's big enough, I will follow her around and let her crawl on me and eat the cheerios she drops on the floor.

I will be her most FAVORITE big brother ever!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Quandry

Hi, friends! I need your help.

If you’re a reader of this blog, you know I’m a very stylish dog, but tend to be a minimalist with accessories. Except at Christmas when the humans disregard my dignity.

I’ve been trying to decide if I should be wearing a bandana. My humans aren’t very helpful on this because they’re divided. One thinks the bandana is great, adds character and is generally cute. The other thinks the bandana is stupid and makes me look like I have stupid humans.

So…friends, I turn to you. Yea or nea on the bandana as a dogecessory?

Vote below…and I’ll go with you: majority rules!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Just in case you were wondering...

...who wears the pants in this house...

it's me.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Merry Christmas, Friends!

Merry Christmas, Friends!
I can't believe how the holidays flew by! They were my FAVORITE! Here it is almost February and I haven't had a chance to tell you about things!

Well, there were people and treats, of course, but most importantly, PRESENTS! Here I am opening mine! And lest you doubt I can open a present, I give you the video, so you can see me merrily opening my gift!